¡FREE! Roland XP80 Strings & Pads PACK 馃幓馃コ [Kontakt Library] 馃幑 馃巵 馃ぉ
We proudly present the fourth installment of the Kontakt library inspired by the legendary Roland XP-80. This edition highlights the strings and pads section, offering the highest sound quality. Enjoy a diverse collection of violins, full orchestra, cellos, ensembles, pads, and much more. Each sound has been meticulously sampled to ensure authenticity and outstanding performance. Perfect for composers and producers looking to add versatility and depth to their projects.
Presentamos la cuarta entrega de la librer铆a para Kontakt basada en el legendario Roland XP-80. Esta edici贸n destaca la secci贸n de cuerdas y pads, con la m谩s alta calidad sonora. Disfruta de una colecci贸n diversa que incluye violines, orquesta completa, cellos, ensambles, pads y mucho m谩s. Cada sonido ha sido cuidadosamente sampleado para garantizar autenticidad y un rendimiento excepcional. Ideal para compositores y productores que buscan a帽adir versatilidad y profundidad a sus proyectos.
⎯⎯ 馃挅 Donaciones / Donations:
▸ MercadoPago
↪︎ alias: JuanmaBelmonte
↪︎ link: https://link.mercadopago.com.ar/juanmabelmonte
▸ PayPal
↪︎ Link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=WE534XPN2DB4U
⎯⎯ 馃槃 Canales de difusi贸n / Broadcast channels:
▸ WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaklzU14Spk7e3u5AG3V
▸ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/e1UXjZnZofMb3Trn/
↪︎ Aqu铆 env铆o toda las librer铆as y contrase帽as / Here i send all libraries and passwords.
⎯⎯ 馃摫 Redes sociales / Social networks:
▸ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/juanma.belmonte
▸ TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@juanma.belmonte
↪︎ Aqu铆 podr谩s contactarme / Contact me.
⎯⎯ 馃檹馃徎Tutorial de descarga f谩cil / Easy download tutorial: ↪︎ https://youtu.be/AYmhxS8EGCQ
⎯⎯ 馃幑 Mi blog de librer铆as / My kontakt libraries blog:
▸ https://juanmabelmonte.com.ar
↪︎ Consigue todos mis samples aqu铆 / all my libraries.
⎯⎯ 馃攽 PASSWORD (To get the password, go to the direct WhatsApp link or the Facebook link)
CONTRASE脩A (Para obtener la contrase帽a ingresa al enlace directo de whatsapp o al de facebook)
↪︎ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaklzU14Spk7e3u5AG3V/196
↪︎ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/153JY7tcM7/?mibextid=wwXIfr