About / Sobre mi
Juanma Belmonte naci贸 en Salta, Argentina el 23 de marzo de 1991. A los 8 a帽os empez贸 a aprender piano de la mano de su t铆a Otilia (quien fuera la Directora del Coro de la Escuela de M煤sica de Salta y violinista de la Orquesta Municipal de la Ciudad de Salta).
Empez贸 a aprender de forma autodidacta a los 14 a帽os y a los 16 a帽os form贸 su primer grupo musical de rock "Dream Eternity" (click aqu铆 para ver video de la banda) . Luego de unos a帽os, se dedic贸 a ser m煤sico de sesi贸n con diferentes artistas de Salta como Cabales, Yacones, Marcela Ceballos y Juan Fuentes (click aqu铆 para ver un show con Juan en vivo).
Actualmente sigue trabajando como m煤sico de estudio, productor y en 2023 empez贸 a crear contenido en su canal de YouTube.
Juanma Belmonte was born in Salta, Argentina, on March 23, 1991. At the age of 8, he began learning piano from his aunt Otilia (who was the Director of the Choir at the Salta School of Music and a violinist with the Municipal Orchestra of the City of Salta).
He started learning on his own at the age of 14, and at 16, he formed his first rock band, "Dream Eternity" (click here to watch a video of the band). After a few years, he became a session musician, working with various artists from Salta, such as Cabales, Yacones, Marcela Ceballos, and Juan Fuentes (click here to watch a live show with Juan).
He currently continues to work as a studio musician, producer, and in 2023, he began creating content for his YouTube channel.